Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Brookmeadow Matters

Brookmeadow Matters
From your local Conservatives
Cllr Harvey Cohen
Cllr Darren Solomons
Cllr Andrew Zucker
Your local Conservative Councillors would like to provide you with an update as to what as been happening in the area and would like to remind you that we are elected to help you - please let us know if you have any concerns or ideas as to how we can help improve our locality.

Aberford Park
Your local councillors have been working with the portfolio holder -Cllr Jean Heywood and officers to make sure that Aberford Park has facilities that can be enjoyed by people of all ages . We are really proud that the park has been awarded a Green Flag for the past two years. The new cafe and toilets will be opening soon and this will be a welcome improvement to the facilities on offer to all our residents. New improvements are being planned to our park  we are very excited by this. This will give more of our residents the chance to be able to utilise the lovely green spaces within our borough.
Village Hall Project 

We are delighted that due to the hard work of all the partners involved, including money from Hertsmere Council, we are soon to get a new village Hall in Shenley Road. This exciting new facility will house  a library, museum and youth facilities. Councillor Harvey Cohen said  "it has taken a lot of time and effort from councillors and partners to get the funding at this difficult economic time,but there was a concerted effort to get to work and make this exciting communal facility a reality. i know that our residents will get behind this project 100% as they have done with the new Borehamwood Theatre"

Councillor Morris Bright, leader of Hertsmere Borough Council, said: "We must now build on this momentum to ensure the project gets underway as soon as possible and residents can have a centre, which they can be truly proud of."

Ark Theatre Opening

We were delighted to be invited to the opening of Borehamwood's new community theatre - The Ark Theatre at Hertswood School in November. It was a really spectacular and entertaining evening. It was night of song and dance performed by many of Borehamwoods' Arts group both young and old. The theatre, in Thrift Farm Lane, is the product of £1.9m investment from the council and Hertswood School, whose land it has been built on and who will manage the building.

We are really lucky to be able to once again have great productions "just round the corner" . Elstree Productions are using it for the first time this week and  have been rehearsing since October in readiness for their take on the West End and Broadway hit musical comedy, Little Shop of Horrors.

Their production starts next week and tickets are available from the box office on 020 8238 7288 or visit www.thearktheatre.co.uk.

The Ward Improvement Scheme

Your local councillors have each been awarded a grant to spend on improving their local area and facilities.

This year we are delighted that we have been able to help 

Aberford Park Community Centre with money so that it can be re -carpeted -

Borehamwood Brownies and Guides

and Theatre Club Kids.

If you know of any well deserving group or have an idea for us to improve the area with our grants then please let us know !!

Kingsley Avenue Controlled Parking Zone

Residents of Kingsley Avenue contacted us complaining of the large number of commuter cars that park in their street during weekdays.They presented a survey asking to be included in the next batch of CPZ. We held meetings to facilitate this , and even though the process does take a great deal of time , we are delighted to say that this will be implemented this year. This is an example of residents getting together and presenting to Councillors their wishes to improve the area. We are delighted to hear from you and will do our best to help.

"The GAP" between Chandos Rd and  Barton Way

Residents of these roads were concerned that when the "woodcock pub" was thankfully redeveloped they might lose the long established "right of way" between them. We were made aware that some residents wanted it to be closed and so we undertook a local survey and consultation of residents. the majority were in favour of keeping this "gap" and we worked hard with the developer to make sure that it was as safe and appealing as possible.


Your local Conservative Cllrs Cohen, Solomons and Zucker , have been elected by you to help you. During the past few months we have helped residents with issues with Affinity Sutton Homes , parking , recycling , rubbish collections , rats etc. If you have any concerns that you feel we can help you with PLEASE don't hesitate to contact us . Here are our details :Councillor Harvey Cohen 07974910215 cllr.harvey.cohen@hertsmere.gov.uk

Councillor Darren Solomons 07985 434636 cllr .darren.solomons@hertsmere.gov.uk : Councillor Andrew Zucker  07702 821458 cllr.andrew.zucker@hertsmere.gov.uk